Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza, Italy : An Ancient Starfinder and Calendar Deciphered by Andis Kaulins

An Ancient Starfinder and Calendar
Deciphered by Andis Kaulins

The Etruscans founded Rome. According to Herodotus they were Lydians, who may have brought the knowledge of the Pharaohs to the European Continent, including writing, as accounted in the legend of Cadmus. The Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza is an ancient "Roman haruspex" known to relate to astronomy and soothsaying but it has remained undeciphered up to now.

As shown here, the Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piecenza was a planisphere of the heavens, an ancient starfinder and calendar, using virtually the same system of orienting to the stars and constellations as found in the Gilbertese Sky Dome in Micronesia, as used by the islanders for ocean navigation:

Piacenza - Side View

The Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza is today in the
Museo Civico, Piacenza
Side View (Above) Top View (Below)
It was found in 1877 in a field in Settima di Gossolengo near Piacenza, Italy .

Piacenza - Top View

The Etruscan cosmology followed the Egyptian Pharaonic Hermetica, according to which the heavenly houses were "reconstructed" on earth.
(See Mauro Cristofani & Mario Carrieri, Etruschi - Cultura e Societa).

Bronze Liver - Top View

Above - The Top Side of The Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza
(based on Hans Stoltenberg, Die Wichtigsten Etruskischen Inschriften, Gottschalksche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leverkusen, 1956, and
Ambros J. Pfiffig, Religio Etrusca, Akedemische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz, 1975)

Below - The Bottom Side of The Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza

Bronze Liver - Bottom View

The two lines, three circles and the words VSILS and TIFS appear on the original

Decipherment of the Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza

Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza

Transcription and Meaning of the Etruscan Words
Latvian is used as an example of the Indo-European connection.

FUFLUNS = Latvian BUBULINS "clump, cluster" = the Pleiades viz. the Hyades
THUFLTHAS = Latvian DUBULTAIS "doubled" i.e. here doubled clump, cluster
TIN = Antares, New Year, Mayan TUN, in Latvian TIN, to reel, to revolve, to wind)
MARIS = Mira Ceti, Latvian MARA/MARIS Akkadian MARTU "gall bladder (?), bile"
LETA = Hidden One Latin LATEO, LETHE, Latvian RETA "scarce"
VEDISL = Bootes (genitive), Latvian VEDIS "escort" VEDIS with long e "wing-like"
-SL = genitive case, Latvian - SA, pronounced SHA
CILENSL = Ursa Minor?, maybe means only RISING (genitive)
CULALP = Arcturus Etruscan CULAU "guard, watcher" (of the netherworld)
TLUSC = Draco, Latvian CUSKA (tjooska) "serpent, (Hydra possible)"
whence ETRUSC-, i.e. (e)TRUSCHI
SATR(ES) = Vega/Lyra Greek SATUROS Latin SATIRUS - Hercules' hammer, Saturnalia
LUSL = Regulus Leo (genitive) Latvian LUSIS, lynx (Latvian LUSHA gen.)
HERC = Hercules LASL = Orion's, across from the stinger (tail) of Scorpio Hesiod Greek
LYSOS Arabic LS' Greek LACH Latvian LACis "bear".

Prominent on the Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza are also variants of the words CILEN and LETH- (LEC), to which compare Latvian CILENS "rising" and LEC-/LIEC "jump, leap, setting, set down". These refer to the rising and setting of the stars on the horizons.

Other words on the Etruscan Bronze liver are:
THVF = Latvian TOP, pronounced TUOP, "ascends, becomes"
ANITHNE = "rising high, culminating", Greek ANATEINOU, Latvian AINATI
UNIMAI = Greek nomos, EUNIMA, Latvian NAMS "home" whence (IE)NAMAJI "in the middle of the home place", i.e. culmination
TECVM = Latvian TECAM/TEKAM "passing", i.e. running its course
LVSA = Latvian LUZA long u, pronounced LOOZA, "break, fall, descent"
ETH = Latvian IET or IETI "goes, goes to, enters"
CATH = Latvian KAD "when"
NETH = Latvian NIT "thread, make a circle, knot" Latin NEXUS, NODUS

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